Here are some useful links, videos, and instructions.
Sling Safety
Carrying Matters: Sling Safety
Getting Started with Babywearing
Carrying Matters Types of Slings
Carrying Matters: Why Carrying is Important
Keeping Modest while Babywearing
South Essex Slings Breast/Chestfeeding in Slings YouTube Playlist
South Essex Slings Bottle Feeding in Slings YouTube Playlist
Bambino Baby: Carrier Size Comparison Chart (measurements)
Carrying Matters: Carrying in Special Circumstances
Generic Videos
Where does the waistband go on a buckle carrier?
T-Shirt Method for Chest Clip
Specific Sling Instructions
2 way stretchy wrap (video)
1 way stretchy wrap (video)
Zensling Instruction Manual/Zensling Instruction Video (newborn)
Lenny Lamb Go/Up/Upgrade